Computer Vision, Difussion Model

Difussion model on X-ray dataset

Generated masks for Pleural Effusion diseased Chest X-rays using classifier guidance and U-Net based diffusion model.

Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Network

Homogylph Phising Detection

Generated 2M homoglyph images from real domains and achived 93% accuracy from classification using Attention based CNN.

Computer Vision, Transfer Learning

Solar Cell Defect Inspection

Performed classification for detecting defects in cells of solar modules using pretrained ResNet on imagenet dataset with 80% precision on 3 classes.

Speech Processing, Machine Learning


Voicenet is a comprehensive library for performing speech/voice based functions. Feature extraction and Gender Detection from voice.

Themesberg office
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing

Data Enhancer

Leveraged the BERT model of Question and Answering for an independent product that collects information based on the context of Textual description.

Themesberg office
Machine Learning, Time Series Forecasting

Food Delivery Order Forecast

Performed Univariate and Multivariate analysis. Forecasted food delivery order hourly using LSTMN

Themesberg office
Machine Learning, Chatbot

IBM Assistant Application

Connecting IBM Assistant with Python with simple GUI using tkinter.

Themesberg office
Machine Learning, RASA

Insurance Virtual Assistant

Motorized quote generation with Virtual Assistant developed using RASA for agents over the insurance portal.

Themesberg office
Machine Learning, Anomaly Detection

No Show Patients

Automated prediction of patient showing up on appointment's date. Anomaly detection problem - only 14% were no show patients.

Themesberg office
Machine Learning, Classification

Churn/Defaultee Prediction

Scored 1M loan applications to predict defaultee/Churn using Predictive Modelling. Achived 94% accuracy with Logistic Regression.

Themesberg office
Machine Learning, Time Series Analysis

Forecasting Retail Sales

Forecasted and improved Retail Sales by 5% using Time Series Analysis- ARIMA Model, Holtwinters

Themesberg office
Software Development

PDF Generator

Build application for certificate generation with QR Code verification for Skill India Programme.